War. Division. Violence. Inequality.
On a daily basis, we are reminded that a world filled with justice and wholeness is out of our reach.
A poem discovered in a safe room during World War II proclaims, “I believe in the sun, even when the sun is not shining.”
How can we believe in hope when angry voices target trans neighbors? How can we believe in peace when our Holy Lands are ensnared in another cycle of violence? How can we believe in joy when mothers weep for their lost children? How can we believe in love when families are forced into homelessness?
During this Advent, we will sing songs and gather in ways that counter those narratives, that remind us that the work may not be complete but through divine strength and the gift of incarnation, the fulfillment of that day is on the horizon. Christmas is the story of God coming to us, even in our disbelief and our unbelief. Sing with us. Worship with us. Serve with us.
Sunday Worship Schedule, 10 AM
December 3 – Advent 1 – I Believe in the Sun: Hope for Tomorrow
December 10 – Advent 2 – I Believe in Love: Daring Right Relationship
December 17 – Advent 3 – I Believe in God: Ode to Joy
December 24 – Advent 4 – I Believe in Light: Illuminating Peace
Special Events
December 3 – Advent Activities (for children and youth)
December 10 – Fair Trade Christmas Market in Davis Hall after Worship
December 10 – Christmas Concert 5pm followed by a reception in Davis Hall.
December 21 – Longest Night Service at 6pm (making space for grief and sadness)
December 22 – Preschool Winter Performance
December 24 – Christmas Eve Service at 5pm