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Children's Ministry

"Let the little children come to me. Don’t stop them, because God’s kindom belongs to people who are like these little children."

Jesus welcomed children to him (Mark 10:13-16), and in our church, we love and welcome our young ones, seeking to nurture them and provide an opportunity to grow in faith.

On Sunday mornings, our children are engaged through Worship & Wonder, a model of Christian education designed to provide a loving, caring setting to hear the ancient stories of our faith and deepen their relationship with God.

After a brief blessing during worship, our children are led out by trained staff and volunteers to the Worship & Wonder room in Davis Hall. Visitors will be asked to register contact information on your first visit, so our teachers can reach out if there are any needs.

Worship & Wonder is interactive. During a session, your child will be greeted, sing a song, hear a story, respond to that story, and share in a feast. All stories are rooted in scripture.

Other Children’s Activities

We offer other ways for young people to engage beyond worship, including an annual Trunk or Treat event in October, leadership in worship, Youth Sunday, an Easter Egg hunt, summer camps, and many more opportunities.

Church Safety

Providing a safe environment for our children, through our preschool and Worship & Wonder, is a priority of our congregation.

Some things to expect on a Sunday morning:

  • You and your child will be greeted and invited to provide contact information.
  • During worship, children will be led by at least two adult volunteers to a special space set aside for their worship experience.
  • All volunteers working children will be have background checks and take mandated reporting training, designed to help us identify and report children and youth in potential abusive situations.
  • The rule of three is always in effect – children will never be alone with a single adult.
  • Children must be picked up by their parents or guardians at the end of worship.

Read our Church Safety Policy here.